It is directly important to improve the competitiveness of shipping companies that operate maritime cruise business and the modernization of vessels. It is typical for passenger ships that, throughout their life cycle, several stages are carried out with the modernization of the hull, the architecture of the premises and the equipment, the safety and quality of such ships – which ultimately leads to a longer lifespan activity of their operation. Modernization involves effective system solutions to change the physical and moral obsolescence of ship equipment. An advanced way to increase the passenger capacity of a cruise ship is to increase its size. The greatest passenger capacity is achieved by increasing the vessel’s weight, and by adding a cylindrical insert in the area of the mid-frame. Increasing the length of the ship with the addition of a cylindrical insert will lead to a change in the load and operation modes of not only the hull, but also the propellerrudder complex, the main engine and the ship’s electrical power system as a whole. Assessment of the ship’s maneuverability and propulsive qualities is an important task when conducting mathematical modeling to optimize the dimensions of the additional cylindrical insert. A study of the towing resistance of the vessel depending on the length of the cylindrical insert was carried out using the methods of residual or wave resistance on the example of the electric ships “Pride of America” and “Seabourn Odyssey”, according to the results of which the dependence between the increase in the length of the vessel and the towing resistance was determined in relative coordinates. Along with the towing resistance, the propulsive characteristics of the ship are affected by the propulsive coefficient and coefficients of hydrodynamic interaction, in connection with which a quantitative and qualitative assessment of these coefficients, which is related to the length of the modernized vessel, was carried out. A new form of the maneuverability equation is proposed, displayed in relative units, which allows establishing the relationship between the propulsive power and the length of the vessel. The estimated propulsive power and power of the main engines were evaluated to ensure the operational speed of the vessel with the determination of the limit length of the cylindrical insert.
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