• T.А. Kovtun Odessa National Maritime University
Keywords: ecological system project, project life cycle, discounted payback period of the project


Introduction. Preserving the environment today is one of the most important, urgent and comprehensive issues on which the future of humanity and life on the planet as a whole depends. Logistics as an area of practical activity makes a negative contribution to the state of the environment. Recently, ecology has been used as a modern concept of logistics, which helps to prevent and eliminate the consequences of negative ecodestructive impact on the environment through the transformation of logistics systems. The purpose of the article is to study the impact of changes in the structure and duration of the environmental system project life cycle, due to the environmental orientation of this type of project, to assess the effectiveness of the project using the criterion of efficiency – discounted payback period. Results. The specific features of the ecological system project life cycle are investigated. An ecological system project life cycle model has been developed, which reflects the links between time intervals and cash inflows and outflows that correspond to the stages of the project life cycle phases. A mathematical formula for calculating the discounted payback period of the project is proposed, which takes into account the specific features of the formation of individual phases cash flows of the ecological system project life cycle. The application of the formula is possible under the condition of constancy of flows of stages of operational and regenerative phases, which corresponds to the conditions of uncertainty in forecasting cash flows at the beginning of the project. Conclusions. The ecological system has specific characteristics that distinguish it from the logistics system. In particular, the project life cycle of the ecological system includes ecologically-oriented phases, during which measures are taken to preserve and restore the ecosystem. The ecosystem project life cycle model includes five phases: pre-investment, investment, operational, regenerative and revitalization, which take place over six-time intervals. Each time interval corresponds to cash flows of certain phases. A life cycle model is presented that takes into account cash inflows and outflows over time intervals. The project efficiency is assessed using the discounted payback period, taking into account the specific features of cash flows during the life cycle of the environmental system.


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