Introduction. Changing the worldview of mankind and the transition to the concept of sustainable development require the use of modern models in the project management of ecological systems that meet the requirements of reducing eco-destructive impact on the environment. The need to take into account and eliminate the negative consequences of the environmental system functioning has led to the need to extend the life cycle of the project through the introduction of additional environmentally-oriented phases. Each phase of the life cycle of an environmental system project ends with the receipt of a specific product. There is a dependence between the products of different phases of the ecological system project, because the properties of some depend on the characteristics of some products. The purpose of the article is to build models and a network of products of the ecological system project, which reflect the content and configuration of the project products. Results. The configuration of the project life cycle phases products is to present their compatible structure with the definition of causal relationships between the characteristics that determine the content of products. It is possible to display information about the content and configuration of the project products through the use of artificial intelligence theory tools (modeling the representation of knowledge). Frame modeling of the content and configuration of the product phases of the project of the ecological system should be carried out in three stages: 1. Identify abstract concepts of the subject area of the project, namely the products of the project phases and related information phenomena, objects, processes, etc. and present them in the form of prototype frames of the project phases products. 2. Describe the specific objects of the subject area in the form of frames-copies of the project phase products, which will reflect the content of the project products. 3. Identify the links between the dominant and recessive products of the project phases of the environmental system and create a network of frames that will reflect the configuration of the project products. Conclusions. It is possible to take into account the eco-destructive impact on the environment due to the inclusion in the life cycle of the ecological system project in addition to the main ones: reinvestment, investment and operational, ecologically- oriented phases: regenerative and liquidation. Each phase corresponds to the receipt of a specific product, the characteristics of which form the content of the product. There are links between the products of the ecosystem project life cycle phases that affect the configuration of the products. It is offered to define the maintenance of products of phases of the project by means of frame models of products, and to display a configuration of products by a frame network. The application of frame modeling will allow to take into account the specific features of the products of the life cycle phases of ecological system project and, in further research, to create optimal product chains.
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