Rational methods of load swing damping, arising from the operation of cranes

  • A.O. Nemchuk Odessa National Maritime University
  • P.M. Streltsov Odessa National Maritime University
Keywords: loader, rope with varying length, cargo sway damping, rated working time


Methods of calculation of some kinds  of control  of trolley transported cargo on the rope with varying length  which  provide dampening of cargo sway and contain minimal quantity of switching of the control parameter are regarded.

Automatic realization of such kinds of control must provide high enough productivity, diminish fatigue and preserve rated working time of the loader.


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How to Cite
Nemchuk, A., & Streltsov, P. (2018). Rational methods of load swing damping, arising from the operation of cranes. Transport Development, (1(2), 170-183. https://doi.org/10.33082/td.2018.1-2.17