Keywords: limit level of vibration, residual resource, technical condition, vibration overload


Introduction. The high efficiency of the transition to the system of maintenance of ship technological equipment based on the actual condition is based not only on reducing the terms and costs of maintenance, but also on the exclusion of unjustified repairs. This leads to an increase in the machine units’ reliability. The transfer of the ships of the Navy of Ukraine for maintenance and repair in their current condition requires the availability of diagnostic equipment for various machines and mechanisms of the ship on board. Purpose. To theoretically substantiate and experimentally verify the limit levels of vibration of ship machines and mechanisms with rotating rotors. The implementation of this goal involves solving the problem of finding the function between the limit levels of vibration and the "fatigue" of bearings for ship machines and mechanisms with rotating rotors and rolling bearings with a resource of 10–12 thousand hours. Results. A method of vibration diagnostics of the pumping unit is proposed, which does not require information about the vibration norms, their tactical and technical data, the state of the unit at the time of diagnosis, and is applicable, as the conducted studies have shown, to all types of pumps with an electric drive. Vibration surveys of ship machines and mechanisms carried out by the authors for 10 years, as well as the results of data analysis by other authors, allow us to state that during the operation of ship machines and mechanisms, it is advisable to conduct vibration surveys and, if necessary, rebalancing the rotors, at least once in 2–3 months. The operation of ship pumping units is accompanied by vibration, which negatively affects the resource of their work. The most loaded (from a mechanical point of view) are bearing units, which, as a rule, determine the ship machines and mechanisms service life. Conclusions. This approach makes it possible to develop simple diagnostic devices consisting of two or three channel spectrum analyzers, an arithmetic unit for calculation and a signaling unit, as well as an analysis unit in which automatic identification of vibration frequencies and diagnosis will be carried out. A special dependence was developed for the practical substantiation of the limit levels of vibrations of various ship machines and mechanisms. The method of determining the residual resource of ship machines and mechanisms in operational conditions is proposed. A promising further continuation in this direction is the detailing of the calculation of vibration norms for various types of ship machines and mechanisms, the development of methods for calculating and forecasting the residual resource, the instrument implementation of this approach.


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How to Cite
Sviridov, V., Andreiev, A., & Andrieiev, A. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE LIMIT LEVELS OF VIBRATION ON THE RESIDUAL LIFE OF SHIP MACHINES AND MECHANISMS. Transport Development, (4(19), 125-139.