Keywords: TN “water – water”, TN cycle, low-potential heat source groundwater, air, soil, heat supply systems, transformation coefficient, thermodynamic efficiency


Introduction. The article examines the problem of using a water-to-water heat pump (water-to-water heat pump), which works on alternative energy sources for heat and hot water supply to buildings of engineering enterprises in the production of structural materials. TN “water – water” in its work can use the low-potential heat of water of rivers, lakes, and underground waters. Purpose. The purpose of the work is the thermodynamic substantiation and study of the expediency of using TN at machine-building enterprises in the production of structural materials. Results. An analysis of the thermodynamic characteristics of “water – water” TNs operating with a water source of low-potential heat was performed. The factors that affect the energy efficiency of “water – water” TN are determined, the peculiarities of water TN work for engineering enterprises in the production of structural materials are evaluated. In order to increase the thermodynamic efficiency of the heat supply system of machine-building enterprises in the production of structural materials, a scheme for extracting low-potential heat using the “water – water” TN is proposed. On the basis of the conducted research, it was established that the advantage of water as a heat carrier is that “water – water” TNs can work almost everywhere. Currently, a promising method of increasing the efficiency of the heat supply system of machine-building enterprises in the production of construction materials is the use of “water – water” TN during the annual cycle of its operation. Therefore, the water-to-water heat pump system provides high heat productivity throughout the year and has a higher energy efficiency index compared to traditional installations. TN “water – water” have a significant advantage over other thermal power plants. “Water – water” TNs consume energy from renewable sources, reduce electricity supply costs by more than half. Conclusions. The use of “water – water” TN for the utilization of low-potential heat energy of groundwater is economically beneficial, because the cost of heat supply by a heat pump is UAH 7 980 for a residential building with an area of 100 m2 per year. The analysis of the thermodynamic efficiency of heat supply systems shows that the use of a low-potential source of ground water heat has advantages over ground and air heat sources. In modern economic conditions, the trend of heat supply systems of machine-building enterprises in the production of structural materials can develop in the following directions: the use of vapor-compression TN “water – water”, which has a heat transformation coefficient of 3,15 and an exergy efficiency of TN of 32%, and the use of secondary energy resources of machine-building enterprises in the production of structural materials, as well as possible improvement of the thermal characteristics of machine-building buildings.


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How to Cite
Bosyi, M., & Bosa, O. (2023). EFFICIENCY OF THE “WATER – WATER” HEAT PUMP FOR HEAT SUPPLY OF MACHINE-BUILDING ENTERPRISES IN THE PRODUCTION OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS. Transport Development, (4(19), 36-47. https://doi.org/10.33082/td.2023.4-19.03