Keywords: heat pump, thermodynamic cycle, thermal energy, low-potential heat source, heat supply systems, transformation coefficient


Introduction. The article examines the problem of using heat pumps (TN) operating on alternative energy sources for heat supply and hot water supply of buildings of machine-building enterprises. The purpose of the work is to substantiate and investigate the expediency of using TN at machine-building enterprises. The results. An analysis of the characteristics of TNs operating with various sources of lowpotential heat was performed. The factors affecting the energy efficiency of TN are determined, the peculiarities of the operation of soil, water and air TN for the climatic conditions of Ukraine are evaluated. The influence of the duration of air temperatures of different values on the thermal productivity of TN was analyzed. In order to increase the efficiency of the heat pump system, a scheme for extracting low-potential heat with the use of soil TN and an air heat exchanger is proposed. On the basis of the conducted research, it was established that the advantage of air as a heat carrier is that air heaters can work almost everywhere and do not require the arrangement of a low-temperature circuit. A promising way to increase the efficiency of the TN during the annual cycle of its operation is the combined use of low-potential heat of the soil and air. A heat pump system with two sources of energy ensures high thermal productivity of the heating system throughout the year and has a higher energy efficiency index compared to traditional solutions. TNs have a significant advantage over other thermal power plants. They consume energy from renewable sources, reduce electricity costs by more than half. It is a fully automated device. Conclusions. The use of TN for the disposal of low-potential heat flows is economically beneficial. The analysis of the efficiency of heat supply systems shows that in modern economic conditions, the trend of heat supply systems can develop in the following directions: the use of steam-compression heating systems, the use of secondary energy resources of industrial engineering enterprises, and the improvement of the thermal characteristics of buildings. Modernization with the application of these measures can significantly improve the economic and technical characteristics of heat supply equipment for buildings of machine-building enterprises.


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How to Cite
Bosyi, M. (2022). HEAT PUMPS FOR HEAT SUPPLY AND HOT WATER SUPPLY OF MARITIME TRANSPORT COMPANIES. Transport Development, (3(14), 69-82. https://doi.org/10.33082/td.2022.3-14.06