Keywords: management, international cargo transportation, chartering, freight payment, tramp shipping


Introduction. The investigation is focused on the role of chartering in the system of managing international cargo transportation. Since the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, the international freight transportation market began to give preference to non-resident companies to continue providing services as a charterer company, therefore attention is focused on the issues of freight payment in tramp shipping through a Ukrainian resident. This situation led to problems with the payment of freight/dead freight/demurrage from Ukrainian companies to shipowners, since such currency payments were not included in the list of critical payments, which made their payment impossible, according to Cabinet of Ministers Resolution № 153 of February 24, 2022. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to investigate the role of chartering in the system of managing international cargo transportation and to highlight the problems of paying for freight on the international market in the minds of the war in Ukraine. Results. The results of the study indicate that the issue of freight payment in tramp shipping through a Ukrainian resident turned out to be important when providing the services of a freight broker in the international cargo transportation management system. Since the emergence of potential risks for the charterer’s company, it has become easier to avoid them by paying the freight through non-resident companies, in order not to face the refusals of banking institutions to pay and all the associated problems, in particular, the lay-up of the vessel due to non-receipt of freight and reputational losses. Ukraine did not deduct nearly six hundred thousand tax payments for freight. To solve the problem, steps are proposed to improve the payment of freight in the conditions of war in Ukraine and take into account in the management system of international cargo transportation: 1) development of new and improvement of existing state regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers on payment of freight and all derivatives from adding to the list of these payments as such are critical in the implementation of import and export operations; 2) improvement of communication and exchange of information between banking institutions, Ukrainian authorities and other interested parties, which will contribute to solving any problems and misunderstandings related to international transportation in Ukraine during the war. Conclusions. The war in Ukraine led to new challenges and obstacles not only for Ukrainian but also international participants of the freight market. In addition, it is worth noting that the government shows interest and takes all necessary steps to improve the situation according to the latest resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers 05.05.2023 № 445. It was emphasized that in shipping it is necessary to take into account constant risks and unforeseen circumstances, thereby demonstrating the flexibility of decision-making in conditions of uncertainty. In addition, all of the above indicates that it is necessary to take into account the compliance of national and international regulatory acts when organizing international cargo transportation, which is the basis of the formation of the cargo transportation management system in international traffic.


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How to Cite
Shkurenko, O., Korniiko, Y., & Popov, R. (2023). THE ROLE OF CHARTERING IN THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION. Transport Development, (4(19), 9-18.