Keywords: water transport, water transport worker, state of health, sea vessel crew, accident, seafarer's mental health.


Introduction. The maritime profession is associated with specific working conditions because the professional activity of the ship's crew takes place in the limited conditions of the ship, which significantly affects the mental health of seafarers. Seafarers play a relatively unique role in that they are on the job both during and after hours with only their colleagues, making them an extremely isolated work group. The specificity of the organization of labor protection of crew members during the voyage is that the risk is created not only by production factors, but also by natural and climatic conditions, the possibility of infection in ports, the threat of being captured by pirates, etc. The peculiarity of the legal regulation of overtime work on water transport during the period of use of the vessel for its intended purpose is that the performance of these works is not limited by the limit norms. Therefore, there is a need to determine the circle of persons who can be involved in additional, "emergency" work, as well as to determine the duration of such work per day. In addition, the duration of voyages is constantly increasing, which leads to a special regulation of the terms of voyages and the continuous stay of ship crews at sea. The terms of continuous stay at sea can be differentiated depending on the type of vessels and sailing areas. At the same time, it is impossible not to highlight such factors as the equipment of the vessel, the modernity of the equipment, the season of stay at sea. Mental health is directly related to mental health. According to the definition proposed by the World Health Organization, mental health is understood as a state of happiness, well-being in which a person realizes his creative abilities, can resist life's stresses, work productively and contribute to social life, therefore it is important to maintain mental the health of every worker, especially in maritime transport. Goal. The purpose of this publication is the study of labor protection in water transport, as well as what exactly leads to a violation of mental activity, professional burnout, due to which there is a decrease in the working capacity of water transport specialists. All this can pose a threat to the safety of the entire ship's crew.


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How to Cite
YakivchukА., Lohinov, O., Lohinova, L., & Kozlovskyi, S. (2023). FEATURES OF THE LEGAL REGULATION OF LABOR PROTECTION, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE SHIP’S CREW IN THE SYSTEM OF SECURITY AND SAFETY IN SHIPPING. Transport Development, (1(16), 89-99. https://doi.org/10.33082/td.2023.1-16.08