Keywords: satellite compasses, heading, ship navigation


Introduction. Transportation of cargo by sea transport has a very long history, which uninterruptedly continues today, gaining new features associated with the technical development of ships, cargo transportation technology, and intensive transformation of the environment. Modern ships are equipped with navigation, radio equipment and firefighting equipment and devices provided in accordance with certain rules and are subject to strict monitoring for compliance with all current international requirements and standards in order to ensure safe ship operation practices, achieved through the proper use of all technical devices and systems on board. The purpose of this work is to investigate the features and characteristics of using electronic means of satellite navigation, identifying the prospects for alternative means of course indication such as satellite compasses, analysis of their functional capabilities with the purpose of increasing the efficiency of ship navigation and ensuring failure-free operation of vessels. Results. This paper discloses practical and theoretical aspects of using satellite navigation systems, including the implementation of alternative devices such as satellite compasses. Conclusions. The article reveals that the characteristics and functional capabilities of the satellite course indication devices are able not only to increase the efficiency of ship navigation but also to provide trouble-free operation of ships, which additionally confirms their relevance and outlines prospectives of satellite compasses as an integral part of the navigation equipment of modern ships, which significantly simplifies the process of ship navigation and makes it possible to quickly and accurately determine the necessary parameters of the ship’s motion.


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How to Cite
Melnyk, O., Koriakin, K., & Lohinov, O. (2022). SATELLITE COMPASSES IN THE SAFETY CONTROL SYSTEM OF SHIP NAVIGATION. Transport Development, (1(12), 54-63.