• D.H. Kruhlyi Kherson State Maritime Academy
  • O.O. Druzhynyn Kherson State Maritime Academy
  • A.V. Sokolov Kherson State Maritime Academy
Keywords: river information system, navigation safety, functioning of the information system, inland waterways, automatic systems


Introduction. Today, river information systems (RIS) have become an integral part of the state shipping safety system. These systems are created in the waters of seaports and approaches to them, as well as along the entire length of inland waters. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the state and prospects of development of river information systems. The current state and prospects of development of inland waterway infrastructure, which consist of many interrelated factors, are determined. Most of the factors are united by the need to improve the safety of navigation, which in turn identifies a number of areas of development, including: improving the efficiency of inland waterway infrastructure and improving the management system of navigation in general. Results. The system of information processing about the navigation situation is defined, which is the basis of the key concept of the software module of the river information system. The basis for creation of a software component of information system of the driver is defined. As a result of the conducted researches the value of application of river information services on the Ukrainian rivers for intensive development of the market of transport and logistic services, both of Ukraine as a whole and its separate regions is revealed. The article identifies the relevance of using a digital bill of lading, which will allow in the current realities, in accordance with the current restrictions caused by restrictive measures to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, reduce contact and protect host members. The created automatic system and its application on the inland waterways of Ukraine will facilitate the work of the navigator, reduce the number of errors. Characterizing the equipment, we offer the principle of such structuring that will facilitate the operation of this system in offline mode. That is, the concept of the overall structure of the river information system is defined, which will allow the safe passage of vessels on inland waterways and will reduce the impact of the human factor on the performance of navigation operations. Conclusions. The use of the river information system is aimed at ensuring navigation operations and increasing the efficiency of cargo transportation through constant information control of the vessel’s position, location of stationary and mobile objects.


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How to Cite
Kruhlyi, D., Druzhynyn, O., & Sokolov, A. (2021). USE OF RIVER INFORMATION SYSTEMS AS A MEANS OF SAFE MANEUVERING OF VESSELS. Transport Development, (2(7), 98-110.