The CALS-concept is a necessary tool for supporting the life cycles of such high-tech engineering products as aircraft, armored vehicles, ships etc. Born in the 80s of the twentieth century for the logistical support of the processes of creation, operation and utilization of weapons and military equipment in the United States, the CALS-concept is now a necessary tool in both military and general engineering in developed countries. Unfortunately, in Ukraine, as well as in the Baltic-Black Sea region as a whole, very little attention is paid to the implementation of the CALS-concept in high-tech mechanical engineering. One of the most important conceptual tools for data management is the NATO CALS data model. This work aims to analyze the NATO CALS data model for its implementation in the data management of high-tech mechanical engineering in the countries of the Baltic-Black Sea region. As a result, the NATO CALS data model behind the NATO CALS Handbook was considered as the main NATO governing document for the implementation of the CALS concept, as well as other supporting sources. As a conclusion, it was determined that the advantages of using the NATO data model CALS in data management of high-tech mechanical engineering will allow the countries of the Baltic-Black Sea region to integrate more into Euro-Atlantic structures and revitalize the integration processes in high-tech industries in the region. This, in turn, will lead to an increase in the subjectivity and weight of the countries of the region in the international arena through the design and production of modern high-tech engineering products, in particular, weapons and military equipment. Obstacles to the implementation of the CALS concept in the Baltic-Black Sea region in general and the NATO data model CALS boil down to two main reasons – the political will to integrate high-tech machinebuilding of the countries of the region and extremely low staffing in the field of CALS. These problems can be solved by increasing publication activity in the direction of research to increase the interest of the scientific community, enterprises management and the general public of the region in the CALS concept.
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