Introduction. In the article analysis of the scientific literature was performed, which allowed us to determine that transport safety has a significant impact on the economic potential of the country, stimulates the development of interconnected industries. A significant amount of scientific literature is devoted to the problems of transport development and transport technologies, but little attention is paid to the study of transport safety projects. In order to achieve sustainable development, improve living standards and welfare and safe use of transport, Ukraine has taken the vector of European development. This paper reviews the implementation of security projects and programs for sustainable transport development. It was determined that the production value of transport is determined by the objective need to move goods from the place of production to places of consumption. The main task of transport is timely, high-quality and full provision of needs of the population in qualitative and safe transportations. Purpose. This article reveals the results of the analysis of the safety projects implementation in motor transport enterprises for sustainable transport development. Results. It was investigated that in Ukraine there is a fairly high risk of traffic accidents involving motor vehicles through the fault of drivers. It was determined that one of the main factors influencing the occurrence of traffic accidents remains the human factor. It has been established that most dangerous mistakes are made by drivers due to the inability to react in a timely and correct manner to unexpected changes in the traffic situation. Conclusions. For the formation and implementation of state policy on safety in public road transport, it is necessary to systematically implement safety projects in the activities of motor transport enterprises. In this article we propose the implementation of European standards of safety management system and as their constituent standards ISO 14000 and OHSAS 18001 in the activities of motor transport enterprises.
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