Introduction. In the context of limited funding generated by the difficult economic situation in the country, the relevance and importance of using any form of partnership between the state and private enterprises in industries that belong to the state monopoly and carry out a significant social burden is increasing. Purpose. The aim of the article is to clarify the essence of the concept of «public-private partnership» taking into account its defining characteristics and to develop an approach to the formation of economic and legal model of public-private partnership, which provides accelerated and efficient development of railway infrastructure important industries. Results. The interpretation of the definition of «public-private partnership» includes fundamental additions that characterize the differences of such a partnership from other cases of interaction between the state and investors and private entrepreneurs. The expediency of using public-private partnership as the only way to ensure the accelerated development of strategic industries and obtain a positive effect from the implementation of socially significant projects is substantiated. A variant analysis was carried out and an economic and legal model of development of the railway industry in the form of public-private partnership was proposed – by a joint venture between a state-owned enterprise and an investor without creating a legal entity. The social orientation of the project on the development of railway infrastructure and achieving a balance of benefits and risks between its participants is emphasized. Conclusions. The proposed option of partnership between a state-owned enterprise and a private business, which is based on joint activities without creating a legal entity, will attract significant funds from domestic investors to significantly increase the carrying capacity of the railway on congested sections, which will have social and other non-transport effects. expected benefits by each participant of the joint project.
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