Introduction. The article considers the problem of distribution of available and leased vehicles for servicing the stochastic flow of long-distance freight orders. The content of the problem is that the total amount of jobs should be divided between the available vehicles and those that can be rented from partners, so that the overall efficiency of transport processes and the total profit of the enterprise are maximum. The problem is relevant today because the requirements for carriers are growing, their operational management tasks are becoming more complicated, and effective methods that provide guaranteed accurate optimal solutions are unknown. The purpose of research is to determine the signs of organizational and technological compatibility of transport process tasks, the implementation of which in united flow is effective. The use of such features should lead to a guaranteed accurate solution of the problem of distribution of vehicles with a random nature of input flows. Results. The vehicles ordering that arise stochastically is NP-difficult task of strong sense. Additional classification features of orders are offered, which allow us to find a guaranteed stable solution. This solution is possible due to the fact that compatible or partially compatible orders are pre-combined into sets that are intended to be executed in a single flow, and single vehicle. The model of nonlinear programming is applied. To distribute the dynamic input flow of orders the distribution problem was solved with a stable result. The solution criterion is the total profit that the road carrier can receive with the proposed sequence of orders. Optimization at linear approximation of total profit on signs of compatibility of orders is executed. Conclusions. Structural modeling of the integrated transport process should be carried out for specific signs of compatibility of the incoming flow of orders. A sign of compatibility of orders is the coefficient of time unevenness, has a positive effect on the ability to obtain a higher maximum total profit. Linear approximation of the model gives more than 100% error of results.
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