• N.О. Arsenieva Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
  • G.R. Fomenko Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
Keywords: classification of highways, functional classification of roads, functional class, criteria of functional classes, level of traffic service


Introduction. In Ukraine, there is virtually no information on the role and importance of functional classification of roads and the benefits of functional systems. This is due to the lack of a planning system that establishes the hierarchy of the road network, taking into account the functions performed by each street or road. Prospects for the development of the network of public roads are based on solving the relevant problems. Analyzing the problems of development of the domestic road network, the absence of their comprehensive study was established. The growth of traffic flows requires their optimization and the need to take into account the composition and traffic conditions in the rationing of the basic parameters of roads, which in turn requires improvement of the regulatory framework for the design of roads. The development of the road network requires its streamlining and planning, so there is a need for functional classification of roads. Purpose. This article establishes groups of criteria for assigning roads to the appropriate functional classes and proposes a procedure for deciding on the establishment of a functional class of the road. Results. At present, there is no functional classification in the normative documents of Ukraine for the design of public roads. As a result of the study of the road network, analysis and ranking of the functional significance of the provision of transport links on the road network, it was found that it is necessary to modernize the existing classification of roads, according to their functional purpose. The procedure for determining the functional class of roads was developed taking into account the system of criteria, economic, administrative, political and international significance of transport routes, taking into account the international experience of road design. Conclusions. The article presents groups of criteria for assigning highways to the relevant functional classes, the procedure for determining the functional class of roads taking into account the system of criteria and the relationship between functional classes of highways and categories of highways.


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How to Cite
Arsenieva, N., & Fomenko, G. (2020). FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION ROAD OF UKRAINE. Transport Development, (1(6), 71-79.