Introduction. An earthquake is the most serious and objective test for any idea aimed at improving the seismic stability of buildings and structures. The materials on the behavior of buildings and structures during earthquakes contain a great deal of information that allows us to judge the response of buildings and structures to seismic impacts. The conservation of buildings and structures in real earthquakes has led to the popularity of seismic design based on the prediction of quantitative characteristics of future seismic impacts in many earthquake-resistant countries. Seismic regions with an estimated earthquake intensity of 7, 8 and 9 points occupy up to 20% of the territory of Ukraine. They have many industrial and cultural centers with large volumes of construction. Purpose. The rational design of earthquake-resistant structures, increasing their reliability is of great economic importance. Results. The basic approaches to the conduct of seismic microrayonation are analyzed. A practical approach to specifying the predicted seismic intensity of the building sites, taking into account the results of detailed seismic zoning (DSR) and seismic microrayonation is proposed. The equipment and methods of field research, semiempirical method of constructing calculated accelerograms was developed. It has been established that irregularities of the field of oscillations of the soil, seismic wave filtration into the geological environment and the occurrence of resonant oscillations in buildings under strong suburban earthquakes in the Vranch zone can lead to an increase in seismic loads several times. A recommendation is proposed that the seismicity of the construction sites should be performed on the basis of seismic microroaring. Conclusions. The results of the calculation for the object and the comparison of the results with the results of the application of the methods described in the article are presented. Verification calculations of the construction of the berth of the ship repair yard № 2 of the LLC ’Ilichevsk Ship Repair Plant’ were carried out using the SCAD educational program complexes (spectral method) and PLAHIS (calculation on the synthesized accelerograms).
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