parametric identification, flow, capillary-porous, granular material.
The article describes simple and reliable techniques for parametric identification of filtration models and media flow in a layer of granular material. Experimental installations of the simplest design are used. Experiments are processed in the Excel environment.
As the examples are determination of the transport properties of a capillary-porous material and the determination of the dependence of the aerodynamic drag of a grain layer during air purging.
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5. Kettleborough C. The thermal performance of the wet surface plastic plate heart exchanger used as an indirect evaporative cooler / C. Kettleborough. − Transactions of the ASME Journal of Heart Transfer. – 1983. – Vol. 105. – № 5. – P. 366-373.
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8. Burchart H.F. On stationary and non-stationary porous flow in coarse granular materials / H.F. Burchart, C. Christensen // MAST G6-S Project 1, Wave action on and in coastal structures. – Denmark, Aalborg University, 1991. – 67 p.
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How to Cite
Panchenko, T., Chelabchi, V., & Chelabchi, V. (2018). IDENTIFICATION OF FLOW MODELS IN CAPILLARY-POROUS AND GRANULAR MEDIUMS. Transport Development, (2(3), 169-181.

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