The publication is devoted to the problem of choosing a strategic direction for further development of the Odessa seaport territories. According to some urban planning experts, the main problem of these territories is that the development of a cargo port, handling of bulk cargoes and increasing the traffic load in the city center of Odessa inevitably leads to the degradation of the city-port system. Therefore, they raise the issue of the cargo port remove outside the city to develop these territories as a recreational facilities. But their opponents believe that the port is not only noise and dust, it is also thousands of jobs for inhabitants and the source of state revenue refill and taxes to the local budget. Sea ports are also plays an important role in state interests as a gate for export of Ukrainian products. So the aim of the study is a comprehensive assessment of the port activity based on the sustainable deve-lopment concept, which considers the sustainable development of complex systems of human settlements, states or civilization as a whole by ensuring balanced development of the social, economic and environmental spheres of these systems. The article provides an integrated analysis of the Odessa seaport activities in the economic, social, environmental and urban planning fields. The role of this enterprise and the strategic directions of its further development in the context of transportation, the ecology of the urban environment and urban planning activity are defined. The analysis showed the complexity and ambiguity of the Odessa seaport location and its further deve-lopment in residential area in the historic center of the Odessa city. In order to reduce the environmental and traffic negative impact of the port to residential buildings, it is necessary to modernize the port and ensure the development of appropriate infrastructure, as well as eliminate impossible activities from an urban planning point of view at the port's location. As the main private investment attractor for the seaport development can be used some areas freed up after the optimization of the port activity, which will be provided under certain investment conditions for building recreational facilities. The development of a model for the comprehensive assessment of similar development projects is a promising direction for further research in this field.
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