Keywords: Smart port, idea, concept, paradigm, digitalization of ports, automation of ports, robotics in ports, sustainability of ports


Introduction. The modern global economy is undergoing transformations driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, marked by intensive digitalization and technological innovations. Seaports are becoming hubs of these changes. The rapid growth of trade and heightened competition compel port authorities and operators to modernize equipment and update technological processes, taking into account new standards for “green” solutions and climate requirements. As traditional management methods no longer meet demands for productivity, precision, environmental sustainability, and safety, there is an urgent need to transition to the “Smart ports” concept. This concept involves the use of intelligent technologies to optimize operations, automate processes, and digitalize ports. Purpose. The aim of the article is to investigate the evolution of the “Smart ports” concept as a new paradigmatic vector of digitalization and automation in the port industry, encompassing the identification of its historical foundations, analysis of key global case studies of successful implementation, and exploration of modern technological solutions and challenges arising in the course of its international integration. Results. The article analyzes the evolution of the «Smart ports» concept, which emerged in response to global challenges of digitalization and automation in the port industry. Special attention is given to innovative solutions such as integration platforms and automated management systems, which enhance the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of ports. Successful cases are discussed, particularly in the ports of Hamburg, Rotterdam, and Singapore, where digital solutions enhance port capacity and customer service quality. Emphasis is placed on digitalization and automation in port management, which reduces the risks associated with human factors. It is proposed to differentiate the notions “idea”, “paradigm” and “concept” of “Smart ports”, where the idea serves as the initial impetus for technology adoption, the paradigm represents a system of new perspectives and approaches to port management, and the concept encompasses specific solutions and mechanisms for their digital implementation. This distinction fosters a better understanding of the stages of digital transformation in ports and allows for the assessment of each stage’s contribution to the formation of modern port infrastructure. Conclusions. The approach formulated in the article demonstrates the evolution of the “Smart ports” concept as a gradual integration of digital and automated technologies at sequential stages: from the inception of the idea and the formation of the paradigm to conceptualization and practical implementation in the global port industry. The research reveals new aspects of integrating innovations into port systems, which will serve as a basis for further scientific developments. The analysis takes into account global trends in the development of automated and digital systems, allowing for the identification of directions for future research. Thus, the article contributes to increasing scientific interest in the “Smart ports” concept and stimulates the exploration of new technological solutions in port operations. The conclusions will be useful for both practitioners in port management and researchers dealing with issues of innovative port infrastructure.


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How to Cite
KyryllovaО., & Kyryllova, V. (2024). “SMART PORTS” AS AN INNOVATIVE VECTOR OF TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFORMATION AND DIGITALIZATION OF PORTS: FROM IDEA TO CONCEPT AND PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION. Transport Development, (4(23), 77-95. https://doi.org/10.33082/td.2024.4-23.07