Introduction. Containerized cargo transportation in Ukraine has only begun to develop actively in recent years. However, compared to other countries, the system of container transportation by rail remains underdeveloped. Container transportation plays a key role in the sustainable development of the transport system both domestically and internationally, as it promotes the use of combined modes of transport and ensures their effective interaction. Purpose. This paper formalizes the optimization technology of the transport process of cargo transportation in containers by rail to the port by reducing operating costs during the formation and movement of a container train and taking into account possible delays in cargo delivery. Results. A study of the current state of container transportation in Ukraine was conducted, which showed an active growth in volumes since 2023, especially in export traffic, including in the direction of ports. An analysis of the interaction between seaports and railway stations has shown the existence of problems related to the organization of the formation and departure of container trains. The author proposes an optimization model that is stochastic in nature and takes into account possible delays of a container train. Such delays arise due to interruptions and disruptions at different stages of the transportation process and are described by a normal distribution law. The use of this model helps to reduce operating costs by reducing the idle time of wagons at the junction station of the container terminal and the port station, and also leads to a reduction in the turnaround time of a freight car. Taking into account the data obtained on the places of delays and the reasons for their occurrence, it is necessary to provide time reserves for the transportation of container trains. Conclusions. The proposed technology can be useful both for railway and maritime transport workers, as well as for shippers and consignees who ship their goods in containers. Given the feedback from adjacent transport companies, it is possible to maximize the efficiency of this technology.
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