Keywords: multimodal transportation, efficiency, technologies, potential, process, development, optimization of the transportation process


Introduction. Multimodal transportation is a major element of the modern logistics and transport industry, facilitating to the optimization and efficiency of the movement of cargo and passengers. This type of transportation becomes more attractive for both investors and carriers. Therefore, the study of the possibilities of multimodal transportation in relation to Ukraine is of great relevance. Purpose. The main task of the research is to conduct an analysis of the current state of multimodal transportation and opportunities for their development in Ukraine. For its implementation, it is necessary to analyze the historical aspects of the development of multimodal transportation and determine their main trends in order to understand the prospects for the further development of this type of transportation, including within the framework of logistics chains. It will also be appropriate to study new technologies, approaches and their impact on the optimization of transportation processes. Results. This article examines various aspects of multimodal transportation in modern conditions. Starting with an overview of the history and development of the industry, the article notes the benefits of multimodal transportation, such as efficiency and cost-effectiveness, as well as the challenges it faces, such as technological limitations and legislative aspects. The article also discusses modern trends in multimodal transportation, including the use of the latest technologies and the development of electronic logistics platforms. Examples of successful implementations demonstrate the importance of multimodal transportation for the modern global logistics market. Conclusions. Today, multimodal transportation is already an integral part of modern logistics. Further development of this type of transportation is facilitated by significant technological achievements and innovations. Taking into account the rapidly growing globalization and volumes of international trade, it is worth counting on an increase in the importance of multimodal transportation. Examples of effective approaches to the development of the transport system are the USA and the countries of the European Union, so their experience should be taken into account. These measures will allow full use of the potential of Ukraine as a transit country and, accordingly, will accelerate the country's economic recovery.


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How to Cite
Shuldiner, J., Prymachenko, H., Petryk, S., & Pashchenko, G. (2024). DEVELOPMENT MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Transport Development, (3(22), 123-135.