Development of technology for manufacture of bimetal camps of ship diesels

  • O. Stalnichenko Odessa National Maritime University
  • B. Smazhylo Odessa National Maritime University
  • R. Kotenko Odessa National Maritime University
Keywords: fist washers, coatings, machining, devices, roller, lathe, copier, cutters, toolholders


The results of the development of the technology for the manufacture of bimetallic fuselage washers of marine ICE, which assumes the basis of the washer to be made from low-cost steels with the application of a high-hardness surface layer on the cams instead of cementation.

To implement the idea, a number of mechanisms and devices have been developed and manufactured that have enabled the application of wear-resistant coatings and mechanical treatment of paddles.


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How to Cite
Stalnichenko, O., Smazhylo, B., & Kotenko, R. (2018). Development of technology for manufacture of bimetal camps of ship diesels. Transport Development, (1(2), 163-169.