External and internal factors, which are still looming for cardinal changes for Ukraine, influence the structure of internal and external trade. As you can see, the cost of transportation adds up to a large part of the cost, especially when transporting to long distances, so the goods delivery schemes must be strictly grounded. In the minds of uncertainty, it is necessary to react quickly to changes, which requires alternative delivery schemes. Ukraine has great potential in foreign trade and has recently occupied a leading position in the market for the transportation of agro-industrial products, ferrous ores, ferrous metals, coal and vanishes in containers. Transported in Ukraine, depending on the geographical location, can be carried out in several directions. In the pre-war period, the main gates to the Ukrainian vantages were the ports of “Great Odessa”, with a smaller number of routes by land transport through the border cordons with Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Ugorshchina. Nowadays, the role of seaports has changed. At the military cordons there are also pereshkodi (shutdowns and blockades, in Poland). The companies are developing schemes through the Ukrainian Danube ports and up the river, as well as at the container ports of Europe (Constanza, Szczecin, Gdinia and Gdansk). The skin of them requires priming from an economical, technical and organizational point of view, and these activities will require additional investments. The paper examines the main factors that influence the choice of a delivery scheme, the advantages and disadvantages of using different types of transport both separately and in combination. A proposal was made regarding the need to develop logistics centers on the western borders, for example in the Lviv region, and a conclusion was made regarding the direction of public and private investments in river port infrastructure and the fleet in order to create the necessary competitive conditions for transportation both at the moment and in the future.
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