Corporate management systems by logistic companies in modern conditions of organizational structures transformation

  • V.Yu. Smrkovskаyа Odessa National Maritime University
  • T.E. Myroliubova Odessa National Maritime University
Keywords: corporate management system, structure of organization, chain enterprise, virtual enterprise


In the article reasons of transformation of organizational structures of enterprises of different spheres of activity are investigational in general and logistic − in particular in the modern terms of market economy. It is well-proven that expansion of borders of enterprises and passing to the flexible structure of management provide competitive edges. The corporate informative systems are the necessary condition of creation of network enterprises providing single informative space for all his participants.


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How to Cite
SmrkovskаyаV., & Myroliubova, T. (2018). Corporate management systems by logistic companies in modern conditions of organizational structures transformation. Transport Development, (1(2), 147-157.