Introduction. Container transportation is one of the most important reserves for increasing productivity and reducing the cost of transportation of goods for Ukraine. An important component of the implementation of container transportation is the process of determining the characteristics of loading a container, such as the weight of an empty container, gross weight, net weight and the equability of the load distribution in the container. Most of the container scales produced in Ukraine and the world have such a common drawback as a structural design in the form of a continuous power frame. This complicates both operation and metrological assurance of container scales. Also, the lack of a built-in function to control the uniformity of container loading can be attributed to the significant disadvantages of existing container scales. Purpose. The development of container scale, which are superior to the existing ones in terms of accuracy, mobility, versatility, ease of use, have better weight, size and cost characteristics, as well as expanded functionality, in particular, the function of operational control of the equability of container loading. Results. The authors proposed KV-40R tensometric container scale with a radio channel, designed for static weighing of cargo containers, control of equability of container loading, step-by-step weighing and determination of the deviation of the center of gravity during container loading, weight control during container acceptance. KV-40R scales consist of four separate weighing modules and a weighing terminal. Determination of the deviation of the center of gravity of the container is implemented in accordance with the requirements of the documents regulating the safety of sea transportation of containers. Metrological assurance of KV-40R container scale is significantly simplified compared to analogues, thanks to their modular structure. Conclusions. The use of container scale proposed by the authors allows to improve the process of determining the parameters of container loading. Their main advantages are a modular structure, data transmission over a radio channel, as well as the presence of a function to control the equability of container loading.
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