Introduction. Today, the transport system of Ukraine is faced with extraordinary challenges. The crisis situation associated with large-scale russian military aggression and the blockade of Ukrainian sea trade ports has brought significant changes to the operating system of delivery of export and import goods. The lack of the possibility of transportation through the ports of Great Odesa prompted the redirection of cargo flows, which were partially transferred to the Ukrainian ports of the Danube. This change also occurred with container sea transportation. Container line operators have set up new ways of delivering container cargo to the Danube ports, which compete with shipping schemes through the ports of other states. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to review the existing schemes of container transportation via the Danube ports, as well as to identify the prospects of their use for the development of import and export cargo flows. Results. At the moment, two Ukrainian ports on the Danube are capable of transshipment of container cargo - Reni seaport and Izmail seaport. In addition, carriers have a choice between three routes for following feeder vessels or barges from the port of Constanta to Ukrainian ports: the Constanța-Cernavodă channel, the Sulina branch, and the Danube-Black Sea deep-sea passage. This allows carriers to choose the most financially efficient cargo delivery organization. Despite the existing practice of container transportation in the Danube region, the volumes of these transportations barely reach 6% of the pre-war indicators. This means that container transportation systems in this region have a certain potential, when they are reached, their volumes will be increased and cargo flows will be developed. At the same time, the system of container transportation through the Danube ports has a certain number of disadvantages that limit the overall throughput and increase transportation tariffs. Conclusions. Although the use of the Danube ports was a forced decision due to the current circumstances, the continued use of these container shipping systems has potential. The shortcomings mentioned in the article can be considered in more detail in order to find their solution and further optimize the existing routes of container transportation.
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