Introduction. Despite the large-scale war in Ukraine, today it is appropriate to talk about the strategy of the development of national ports in the post-war perspective and to study the world experience on these issues, in particular, related to the introduction and use of the latest technologies in the management and operational activities of ports. Purpose. Review, analysis and systematization of existing and promising innovative technologies in the port sector that bring individual ports closer to compliance with the status of «Smart Port». Results. The work provides a definition of the term «Smart Port»; modern technologies on the basis of which various «Smart Port» initiatives in the transport industry are developed, implemented and effectively function are considered; innovative technologies used in modern ports are considered and allow to identify them as Smart Ports. Among the main ones, the work identifies the following technologies that modern Smart Ports use in their activities: Big Data technology; artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence (AI)); Internet of Things (IoT); Digital Twin (DT) technology; blockchain (Blockchain). The paper examines the experience of introducing the latest technologies into the production activities of the world's leading ports, which have already acquired the status of «Smart Port», but have different development strategies; the issue of the necessity and expediency of developing a «Smart Port» Strategy for the development of the port industry of Ukraine as a whole and personalized roadmaps for the development of each Ukrainian port in the post-war perspective is updated. Conclusions. Today, the future of global maritime business and transport logistics is being changed by Smart Ports and innovative technologies, thanks to which such ports appear and function effectively. The term «Smart Port» encompasses many different aspects depending on the development strategy chosen by its management and authorities. Researched technologies are the key pillars on which any Smart Port today rests. These technologies are the primary tools that the port should focus on when developing its development strategy in the direction of automation and digitalization. In the post-war perspective, within the framework of the concept of the general transport policy of Ukraine, it is advisable to pay attention and direct efforts to the development of the official «Smart Port» Strategy for the development of the port industry of Ukraine. Moreover, such a «Smart Port» Strategy should contain personalized roadmaps for the future development of each Ukrainian port, focusing on their digitalization, ensuring competitive advantages, shipping safety, social and environmental aspects of port functioning.
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