Introduction. The efficiency improvement sources identification should be based on the analysis of the technical and operational performance indicators of vessels. Thus, the system of technical and operational indicators of the container carries on the lines, on the one hand, allows to evaluate the use of vessels, on the other hand, to determine possible ways of increasing the economic efficiency of their operating by «improving» the use of the main vessels resource – their carrying capacity. Results. To evaluate the vessel technical and operational results on the container line, it is proposed to use: integral and local coefficients of the capacity utilization as the use of the container carriers’ capacity on the line as a whole and on individual sections; integral and local indicators of ship loading imbalance during the transition between ports. These indicators are designed to analyze the operation of a specific vessel both on each section of the line – the transportation between ports, and on the line in general. To differentiate different levels of these indicators, it is suggested to use the terms «local» and «integral», respectively, for a pair of ports and the line as a whole. The formation of these indicators involves taking into account the distance of each section of the line in relation to the total line distance as weightі. This system of indicators complements and details the existing approaches to the vessels use assessment in the production sense. The calculated example demonstrated the operation of the proposed formulas for evaluating indicators, as well as their adequate response to changes according to the initial data. Conclusions. The proposed indicators make it possible to evaluate and forecast the expediency and efficiency of the line structure and the vessel operation on this line. Local indicators are intended for the analysis of the vessel's operation between a specific pair of ports, integral indicators reflect the technical and operational results of the vessel’s operation on the line. For the annual period, these indicators can be averaged, and their arithmetic mean values should be used to evaluate the results and feasibility of the vessels operating on this line, as well as the feasibility of line structure from the point of view of the set of ports. In addition, these indicators at the line level – «integral» indicators are the basis for further technical, operational and economic evaluation of the container service functioning as a whole.
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