Introduction. Basic (fixing the dimensions) modifications of diesel families are created before introduction into serial production for at least 15 years, during which the main structural and regulatory parameters are selected, fuel economy and environmental indicators are forecasted, and a strategy is formed for the further fate of subsequent developments of the family. In this paper, an analysis of the experience of creating domestic small-volume high-revving diesel engines for 15 years, namely from 1998 to 2012, was carried out. It was determined that the Kharkiv School of Diesel Engineering, following its new and so far the latest direction in the development of domestic internal combustion engine designs, created a whole family of automobile diesels with a capacity of 100-175 hp during this period. dual purpose in four- and six-cylinder versions. Purpose. This article analyzes the volume of research and development works of the domestic automotive diesel industry, which contributed to the global development of automobile transport. Results. It was determined that such solutions as 0.5 dm3 of the working volume of the cylinder, the formed external speed characteristic and the local pre-start warm-up of cold fuel have already found a similar application in modern foreign designs of diesel engines, while some others are still available (exclusively in the opinion of the author) on the creative path to its application. Among them is a decrease in the ratio of the stroke of the piston to the diameter of the cylinder to 0.93–0.95. Conclusions. In the materials of the article, specific examples are given for each of the constructive and regulatory solutions of the domestic engine industry in the automotive diesel segment. The volume of research and development work carried out at the same time definitely contributed to the global development of road transport.
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