Introduction. One of the most important goals of sustainable development adopted by the UN is to overcome hunger and improve the quality of population life. It is the development of agriculture and grain logistics that can become tools for the fight against hunger and poverty. Especially important is the role of grain exporting countries, such as Ukraine, in ensuring food security not only of their own country, but also of the world as a whole. Ukraine is known as an agricultural country that supplies high-quality grain to the world market. But now there is a war in Ukraine, grain is grown and harvested in demined fields under rocket fire. Unfortunately, today Ukrainian grain is destroyed at the borders with Poland due to trade restrictions and bureaucratic obstacles. This is happening at a time when millions of people around the world are starving. Grain logistics faces problems and challenges that must be solved on the way to sustainable development of cities and regions. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to study the problems of grain logistics and their impact on the sustainable development of cities and regions. Results. In this paper analysis of grain logistics was carried out, the impact of changes in grain delivery on export was investigated. The conducted research made it possible to identify the key problems and challenges facing the logistics system in the agricultural sector, as well as to determine the main directions for solving the identified problems and to develop recommendations for improving grain logistics in order to support the sustainable development of cities and regions. Conclusions. Ukraine has the potential to become a key player in global grain logistics and contribute to the sustainable development of cities and regions both in its own country and abroad. However, in order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to pay attention to solving a number of problems and challenges faced by grain logistics, including war, trade restrictions, insufficient infrastructure development.
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