Keywords: educational service, professional education, market of professional educational services, marketing approach.


Introduction. Today, the competitiveness of the country’s economy is determined not only by the amount of natural and productive resources, but also by the intellectual potential of its citizens. Unfortunately, modern education does not always meet today’s requirements. In this regard, there is a need to transform approaches to education management, which should be aimed at improving the interaction of participants in the educational services market. Modern education should become flexible, adaptable to the needs of consumers. The purpose of the article is to determine the specific features of marketing-oriented management of the provision of professional educational services. The results. The article defines the features and structure of professional education; the characteristics of the vocational education institution as a participant in the market of vocational education services are considered; the tools of marketing-oriented management of a vocational education institution were investigated. Conclusions. The marketing of professional educational services should be understood as the management of the offer of a professional education institution, oriented to the requirements of the labor market, with the active formation of demand for modern educational services and ensuring employment of graduates. For the successful functioning of a vocational education institution, it is necessary to constantly develop the offer of educational services, improve their content and master new teaching methods. Thanks to this, the main, socially significant goal of the activity of any vocational education institution is realized – to convey to the consumers of educational services modern knowledge and advanced experience that would contribute to the intellectual development, general and professional education of students. Practice shows that most institutions of professional education do not monitor the demand situation for professional personnel in the labor market, due to which the structure of labor resources in the market is deformed. It is possible to correct the existing situation thanks to the use of a marketing approach to the management of educational activities of vocational education institutions.


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How to Cite
Kovtun, T., Merkt, O., & Finohenova, I. (2024). MARKETING-ORIENTED MANAGEMENT OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. Transport Development, (1(20), 27-34.