Keywords: project, reengineering, business processes, life cycle, micro-logistics system, models of enterprise life cycles.


Introduction. The modern business environment poses new challenges to enterprises, which requires, in particular, the application of a logistics approach and consideration of enterprise management processes as a micro-logistics system. This allows not only to take into account the peculiarities of the development of a company throughout its life cycle, but also provides an opportunity to effectively manage the duration of individual stages of their life cycle. Lifecycle analysis is a widely used tool for substantiating strategic choices aimed at the regular emergence of new products and the development of promising types of business. An important and relevant task is to study different views on the main stages of the life cycle of an enterprise as a micro-logistics system. Special attention should be paid to the study of the processes of managing the decline stage in the life cycle, which remains insufficiently studied, namely the use of the reengineering mechanism at this stage. Purpose. The purpose is to determine the peculiarities of the development of the decline phase in the life cycle of an enterprise as a period of time during which it is advisable to use reengineering to simplify and modernise the business processes of an enterprise as a micrologistics system. Results. The results of the study are to substantiate the potential to consider the enterprise as a micro-logistics system and to determine its inherent nature of both the logistics and design systems. The processes of managing the stage of decline in the life cycle have been studied, and it does not necessarily have to end with the ‘death’ or liquidation of the enterprise. It is substantiated that reengineering can be considered an option for its ‘revival’ or ‘transformation’, as well as the possibility of phased introduction of not only new business processes, but also the production of many different products. Conclusions. Based on the analysis, the study proves that reengineering should be considered not only as a tool that can significantly extend the life cycle of an enterprise’s products, optimise and improve processes at each stage of its life cycle, and adapt them to new realities and opportunities, but also as a life cycle stage that replaces the stage of enterprise decline. Such an approach, combined with a project-based approach to managing an enterprise as a micro-logistics system, will significantly increase the efficiency of its operations and have a positive impact on competitiveness in a turbulent market.


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How to Cite
Kovtun, T., & Dmytrieva, L. (2024). REENGINEERING AS A STAGE OF THE MICRO-LOGISTICS SYSTEM LIFE CYCLE. Transport Development, (1(20), 18-26.