Application of theory of stocks for efficient organization supply shipchandlers services
The essence and types of ship reserves, supply operations of a marine agent in servicing a sea vessel, the order of its interaction with shipchandler companies are characterized. The supply process is analyzed and the statistical data of supply of vessels with fuels and lubricating and varnishing materials is analyzed. The supplier was selected from a number of possible ways by applying the method of rating evaluations. The following indicators were used as criteria: price policy; convenience of terms and forms of payment; product quality; reputation of the manufacturer; reliability of supplies and services; financial stability; organization of information support of delivery; informing about changes and innovations; transparency of business. The possibility of using the inventory management system as an instrument for effective work of supply companies was studied in the orga-nization of shipchandler services. The method used allows to ensure the smooth operation of the companies providing shicandler services by studying the demand and, accordingly, planning ship supply supplies.
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