Choice of vehicles for transportation of agricultural production
Agricultural cargoes, by their physical and mechanical pro-perties, loading and unloading methods; conditions of transportation and sto-rage, the possibility of using the load carrying capacity of the rolling stock, their preservation during transportation, the degree of danger during loading, unloading and transportation cover the entire range of variation. This entails the need to attract practically all types of transportation means for their transportation.
The structure of the order for transportation is substantiated, the types of agricultural cargoes analyzed and a matrix of the choice of the type of the vehicle according to the characteristics of the cargo is constructed, which enables us to substantiate the expediency of using the vehicles. A block diagram of the algorithm for choosing the types of vehicles for the transportation of agricultural cargoes has been developed to take into account the main constraints, namely the characteristics of the cargo, the restrictions imposed by the road conditions of the route and the peculiarities of loading, the urgency of transportation and the size of the consignment. To execute a pre-ordered order, a vehicle is selected that satisfies the constraints and ensures a minimum freight cost.
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