Rationale of effective option for technological and commercial terms of delivery of international trade cargoes

  • A.G. Shibaev Odessa National Maritime University
  • S.P. Onishchenko Odessa National Maritime University
  • Yu.A. Koskinа Odessa National Maritime University
Keywords: delivery of foreign trade goods, terms of delivery, cost of delivery, prices for goods


The paper is dedicated to a modeling choice of foreign trade goods' of optimal delivery, considering the cost parameters, production capabilities and technological features of the individual units of the transport system. The developed model provides the minimum total costs for carriage of goods from the point of origin to the point of destination (i.e. the case of the term provides for full payment of the transportation costs by the seller – the detailed structured costs in the model lets easily to use it for different terms of transportation costs payment). The model includes the carrying capabilities of different modes of transport that can be used for transportation and capacity of port facilities. The model also provides the choice of the developing of shipping system according to the terms of trade contract as far as it includes the current prices for the goods in point of destination and point of origin.


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How to Cite
Shibaev, A., Onishchenko, S., & KoskinаY. (2018). Rationale of effective option for technological and commercial terms of delivery of international trade cargoes. Transport Development, (1(2), 78-88. https://doi.org/10.33082/td.2018.1-2.08