Introduction. In gas-flame spraying, the source of thermal energy is the flame formed as a result of burning a mixture of oxygen and combustible gas. Acetylene, propanebutane, hydrogen, natural gas and other gaseous hydrocarbons are used as fuel gas. One of the most important characteristics of a flame is its temperature, which depends on the ratio of oxidizer to combustible gas. The pulsating nature of the flame causes an uneven distribution of the density of the flow of powder particles and, therefore, their uneven heating. Therefore, the calculations of the thermal characteristics of the jet of heated gases and the temperature of the particles do not guarantee sufficient accuracy. To study heat exchange processes in a gas-powder jet, it is necessary to have data on heat flow density, enthalpy, viscosity, coefficients of thermal and thermal conductivity, which determine the conditions and intensity of the process. In connection with the above, the main attention in the work is given to the experimental determination of the thermal characteristics of the flame of the powder atomizer. Purpose. The purpose of the article is an experimental study of the processes of heat exchange of a gas-powder jet, which affects the conditions, quality and intensity of the process of restoration and strengthening of the working surfaces of parts of ship’s technical equipment in the process of restorative repair. Results. Based on the results of theoretical and experimental studies of the thermal parameters of the flame, it was established that the fields of temperature distribution and density of heat flows for acetylene-oxygen and propane-butane-oxygen flames were constructed. Conclusions. The study of the thermal characteristics of the flame in the process of restoration and strengthening of the surfaces of parts of ship’s technical equipment allows us to state that the degree of thermal activation of the sprayed material has the main effect on the density of the coatings and the strength of adhesion to the base. The distance from the nozzle section and the radius of the flame cross-section at which the value of the heat flux density and the temperature reach the maximum value are established. It is proved that the maximum values of the flux density and temperature shift to the flame axis, and the minimum values to the periphery.
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