Introduction. In modern conditions, the development of multimodal cargo transportation is a necessary condition for optimizing the work of the transport industry, organizing the movement of material flows at a modern technological level. And the study of the methodology of the organization of the system of multimodal transportation allows to carry out scientific knowledge of the problems in the system of multimodal transportation and to optimize them. Purpose. The article is aimed at determining the factors affecting the efficiency of the activities of transport enterprises during the implementation of multimodal transportation of goods based on the study of their methodology. Results. The apparatus of the multimodal transportation system research methodology was analyzed. The levels of methodological analysis of the system of multimodal transportation have been chosen. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of the definition of the concept of multimodal transportation in various sources. The main advantages of multimodal transportation have been studied. An analysis of the main schemes of multimodal transportation was carried out. The perception of Ukrainian carrier companies of the Law of Ukraine «About Multimodal Transportation» was studied. Conclusions. The development of multimodal transportation is a key factor in increasing the efficiency of the transport industry, improving the management of supply chains for the movement of material flows to the population, but it requires significant research into the methodology of multimodal transportation regarding the optimal use of the logistics infrastructure of various types of transport. Effective interaction of modes of transport is built on the basis of the use of railway transport as an ecological and mass carrier. The development of multimodal transport is a key factor in increasing the efficiency of the development of the transport industry in Ukraine in modern conditions, improving the management of supply chains of cargo transport services, but it requires a study of methodology in order to optimize the process of forming multimodal routes and coordinate the actions of all participants in multimodal transport in time.
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