Keywords: international road transportation, transport logistics, cargo delivery, logistics approaches, optimization.


Introduction. The use of logistics principles to improve the delivery of goods seems to be an important task for enterprises engaged in international transportation. The complexity of the process of cargo transportation has led to the emergence of a separate area of activity – transport logistics. As a science, it influences the efficiency of the delivery process and ensures customer satisfaction. Purpose. to analyze and systematize logistics approaches to optimizing international road transportation of goods. Results. The efficient provision of logistics services at road transport enterprises is carried out through compliance with the ‘7 richtig’ rules: the right product of the required quantity and quality must be delivered at minimum cost to the specified place and at the agreed time to the client who ordered it. An analysis of the process of delivering goods by road has revealed certain problems and shortcomings that need to be addressed. These include high costs, delays and instability of delivery, insufficient routing efficiency, difficulties with storage and unloading, and insufficient information support. Several variants of logistics approaches to solving the problems are systematized: the use of modern technologies of the logistics management information system, improvement of routing and delivery planning, use of intermodal transport, improvement of infrastructure and terminals, the establishment of partnerships and cooperation with other logistics operators. Conclusions. Logistics information systems provide cargo tracking and improve delivery planning and coordination. Navigation satellite systems identify optimal routes and resources. The combination of different modes of transport helps to reduce costs, including logistics costs. Modernization of terminals ensures faster and more efficient cargo handling. Partnerships between logistics operators contribute to wider market coverage and improved quality of transportation services. The systematic implementation of logistics approaches has great potential to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of transport companies.


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How to Cite
Kunda, N., & Naumovets, D. (2023). LOGISTICS APPROACH TO OPTIMIZATION OF INTERNATIONAL ROAD TRANSPORTATION. Transport Development, (3(18), 196-208. https://doi.org/10.33082/td.2023.3-18.16