Introduction. To date, the development of internal combustion engines (ICE) has reached such values of efficiency that each subsequent percentage increase in efficiency requires significant efforts and scientific results. The utilization of secondary energy resources, alternative fuels and fuel catalysts is becoming more and more relevant for marine ICE. Goal. To carry out modeling of the modernization of the fuel system of the main engine 9L48/60DB of the tanker vessel using hydrogen catalytic additives to the main fuel to improve the performance of the engine. The results. In order to obtain positive results, it is proposed to use a system for supplying hydrogen additives, which do not exceed 0.1% of the cyclic portion of fuel (by mass). Hydrogen can be stored on board in the form of a metal hydride battery or in a liquid state. Simulation of the use of this technology on the MAN 9L48/60B engine was carried out. As a result of the calculations, a decrease in the specific effective fuel consumption of the engine by 1.5...3.5% was obtained, depending on the mode of operation of the engine, with the largest values of the reduction of fuel consumption being achieved in partial modes of operation. It is also worth noting the increase in engine power up to 3%, according to the operating mode of the installation. At the same time, the effect is achieved due to the improvement of mixture formation in the engine. Using this technology, it is possible to prevent a significant conversion of the engine and the fuel system as a whole. At the same time, obtaining hydrogen is possible both during ship bunkering and during low load modes of diesel generators by electrolysis of water. Conclusions. The implementation of an ancient scientific and technical solution will improve the operational and economic indicators of the energy installation of a tanker with a MAN 9L48/60B main engine, increasing the power and reducing the fuel consumption of the installation. Carrying out calculations along a conventional route with a length of 5,000 nautical miles allows us to talk about an economic effect in the amount of up to 15...16 thousand USD per trip including hydrogen costs.
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