Introduction. Autonomous surface vessels (UAVs) and their use in research of various complexity is an actual field of research. Autonomous surface vessels are devices capable of independently moving through the water environment and performing various tasks and collecting data. The spheres of application of these means are related to water resources. The involvement of ANS in various research missions demonstrates the interest of the scientific community in such platforms. In oceanography, surface drones can help collect data on water temperature, salinity, oxygen levels, wave activity, and other parameters. This provides scientists with a more complete picture of ocean phenomena and dynamics of change, contributing to a better understanding of climate processes and ocean ecosystems. Further development and improvement of vessels is an important issue and has great practical significance for industries related to water resources. The purpose of the article is to conduct a study of navigation methods and features of ANS movement, problems and ways to increase the efficiency of movement along a given route. Focus attention on the ANS path planning process as an important stage on which autonomous vessel movement is based, and conduct a review of optimized motion algorithms as an aspect of path planning, in order to find potential ways to improve operational efficiency. Results. The article provides an overview of navigation methods and features of ANS movement, main structural elements, and systematizes the main problems and challenges that currently exist. An analysis of the ANS route planning process was also carried out, as an important stage that underlies the movement of the ANS along the given route. An important aspect of path planning, namely algorithms of optimized movement, as a potential way to improve movement efficiency, has been studied. On the basis of the research, optimality criteria were formed, taking into account of which in the algorithm’s work will allow to improve the construction of the path, and improve the overall efficiency during the movement of the ANS. Conclusions. Research and development of Autonomous Surface Vessels continues. Interest in such vessels is due to the wide possibilities that allow them to be used in various research missions. Taking into account the above, it can be concluded that the effective movement of the ANS during the execution of tasks is a complex process based on the coordinated operation of the navigation system, a correctly planned route, and consideration of external influencing factors. The development of algorithms for optimized movement allows for flexibility and adaptability to changing conditions, which can provide the best solutions in real time. Further research and implementation of ANS traffic optimization algorithms opens up new perspectives for the creation of fully autonomous vehicles of a new generation.
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