
Introduction. The efficiency improvement of the operation of the railway industry necessitates the combined transport systems implementation. Today, container transportation is the most prioritized which is caused by the mobility of containers as vehicles. To maintain container transportation competitiveness, it is important to improve the technical, economic, and operational characteristics of containers. A valuable criterion aimed at the demand improvement for the use of containers is ensuring the safety of freight transported in them. Therefore, research devoted to modern container development is actual. Purpose. Elucidation of the results of modeling the lateral load of a container with walls made of sandwich panels, placed on a platform car during its lateral sway. Results. In order to reduce the dynamic load of the container in operation, it is proposed to make its walls from sandwich panels. To reason for the use of sandwich panels in the side walls of the container, mathematical modeling of its dynamic load was carried out under the condition of placement on a platform car with side rocker oscillations. It was found that the maximum accelerations acting on a container with sandwich panel walls are almost 5% lower than those acting on a container of typical construction. A computer simulation of the transverse load of a container with sandwich panel walls was carried out. The difference between the results obtained by mathematical and computer modeling is about 8%. Verification of the formed models of the lateral load of the container was carried out according to the F-criterion. Conclusions. The conducted research will contribute to the development of recommendations for the design of modern designs of modular vehicles and increase the transport industry efficiency.


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How to Cite
Vatulia, G., LovskaА., Krasnokutskyi, Y., & Deryzemlia, S. (2023). MODELING OF THE TRANSVERSAL LOADING OF A CONTAINER WITH SANDWICH PANELS WALLS PLACED ON A PLATFORM CAR. Transport Development, (3(18), 50-58.