Keywords: logistics costs, optimization of logistics costs, customs logistics, customs formalities


Introduction. The task of optimizing logistics costs in supply chains of foreign trade goods is primarily related to general economic trends in the world. The global economic crisis, the epidemiological situation in the world, the war in Ukraine significantly increase the risks involved in the international movement of goods. Globalization accelerates this process of supply chain interdependence and creates difficulties for both individuals and the global supply chain, leading to many risks on a global scale. As supply chains become more complex, uncertainty and risks become more significant. Purpose. Reasoning and making effective decisions based on cost optimization for the implementation of customs and logistics operations in supply chains of foreign trade goods. Conclusions. The article examines theoretical approaches to the definition of the term "logistics costs" and the structuring of logistics costs, focused on solving management tasks in supply chains, the model of logistics costs is improved, taking into account additional costs for customs and logistics operations, which must be taken into account in the process of forming and managing supply chains. The inclusion of costs associated with the implementation of customs formalities allows you to take into account separately the additional costs associated with the risks involved in the implementation of customs control of cargo. In addition, the costs associated with the need to provide security for the payment of customs payments during the transportation of goods by internal transit on the territory of Ukraine are taken into account if there is a need for registration of goods in another structural unit of the State Customs Service of Ukraine. It has been proven that the costs of carrying out customs formalities and the costs of paying customs payments are a significant part of the calculation of logistics costs in the implementation of foreign trade operations. The performed decomposition of general logistics costs allows taking into account the specifics of customs legislation and restrictions on the use of customs logistics technologies.


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How to Cite
Korobkova, O., Pavlovska, L., & Shpak, N. (2023). MODELING OF LOGISTICS COSTS IN SUPPLY CHAINS OF FOREIGN TRADE GOODS. Transport Development, (2(17), 133-142.