Optimization of management decisions in management of investment-building projects
The purpose of the work is to improve the success of investment and construction projects by increasing the success of management decisions based on their optimization.
The paper analyzes the concept of optimization of the solution and the general principles of this process.
The analysis results:
- the certain incorrectness of using separate criteria of optimization of the decision for strategic and operational decisions in the management of investment-construction projects is substantiated;
- it is suggested to use a complex criterion for optimizing managerial decisions taking into account the constraints and the potential of their success.
In the article methods of making optimal strategic and operational decisions for management of investment-construction projects, with optimiza-tion of decisions on the basis of a complex criterion, are developed.
The proposed approach allows the project manager to adopt optimized, potentially successful management solutions.
Also, the method of selecting the optimal investment and construction projects from the point of view of the end user.
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