Identification of project stakeholders based on system analysis

  • I.B. Azarovа Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: Stakeholder Management, Stakeholders, Project Management, System Analysis


Modern scientific research in the field of Stakeholder Management has recently rapid development. Stakeholder Management allows to create a lasting competitive advantage in business and effective project goals achievement. At present, the search in Stakeholders Management methods is carried out mainly in the direction of stakeholder identification and identification of their interests. This study proposes a method for identifying project stakeholders based on system analysis.

The method considers the stakeholders as elements of the project system, allows to determine their belonging to this system and to indicate the scope of interests of stakeholders in the project. Also it is possible to assess the impact of the project to the stakeholder − positive or negative.


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How to Cite
AzarovаI. (2018). Identification of project stakeholders based on system analysis. Transport Development, (1(2), 5-11.