Introduction. Recent decades have been characterized by high rates of motorization. At the same time, Ukraine has one of the highest rates of deaths and injuries as a result of road accidents among European countries, and the level of road safety organization remains extremely low. An analysis of international practice has shown that the infrastructure of streets and highways in Ukrainian cities does not fully meet modern requirements. During their construction and reconstruction, ground and underground pedestrian crossings and special bicycle lanes are not always arranged, which could significantly reduce the level of road traffic injuries and deaths. Therefore, analyzing the main reasons for the insufficient level of road safety is one of the steps towards making effective decisions to reduce the risk of road accidents. Purpose. The main purpose of this article is to study the experience of implementing low-risk road infrastructure in the cities of the European Union and compare it with the conditions of traffic management in Ukrainian cities. Results. The analysis of the factors influencing the level of mortality and injuries due to road accidents contributed to the formation of a road safety profile, which is a triad of interaction between three systems in the environment. The study made it possible to assess the level of safety in the organization of traffic on identical sections of urban infrastructure in Rzeszow (Poland) and Kyiv (Ukraine). The paper presents the comparison criteria and parametric indicators of the sections of the road transport network of the cities. Conclusions. Based on the calculations, the most critical points are identified and the conditions for safe traffic management are outlined. Taking into account the directions of strategic and territorial development of Kyiv, the main measures for the development of the city's street and road network are determined, taking into account the experience of the European analog.
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