Keywords: specialized supply vessels, transport support of platforms, substantiation of the structure of specialized vessels, planning of operation of specialized vessels, option of routes, time budget, adverse weather conditions


Introduction. The article presents experimental calculations based on the model of substantiation of the optimal structure of vessels supplying offshore drilling platforms and the organization of their work. The performed calculations confirm the minimization of transport costs when servicing offshore drilling platforms and obtaining the optimal structure of specialized platform supply ships, the variant of the route of operation of these ships, taking into account the time budget and adverse weather conditions. The purpose of the article is to carry out experimental calculations based on the model of substantiation of the structure and the formation of the work plan of specialized supply vessels in the service of offshore drilling platforms. The results. In the work, the optimal structure of specialized vessels in terms of carrying capacity was obtained and their distribution according to the options of the work route was determined. It has been found that during periods of low demand for the provision of platforms, it is sufficient to use a single tug, in contrast to periods with a higher demand for provision. The optimal route of operation of specialized vessels from the number considered was determined. The efficiency of using the operating time budget of specialized vessels is analyzed. It has been established that in adverse weather conditions, the number of vessels in the period of low supply demand increases to 2 tugs, which, in turn, increases the cost of transporting 1 ton of cargo. The impact of the remoteness of the base from the platforms was analyzed and it was established that when shortening the distance, it is more appropriate to use short routes that include one platform each. Conclusions. The conducted experimental calculations confirm the reliability of the model of substantiation of the structure and formation of the work plan of specialized supply vessels in the service of offshore drilling platforms and its suitability for solving practical tasks.


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How to Cite
Kravchenko, O., Borovyk, S., & TikhoninаI. (2023). JUSTIFICATION OF THE STRUCTURE AND FORMATION OF THE WORK PLAN OF THE OFFSHORE FLEET IN MAINTENANCE OF EXTRACTION PLATFORMS. Transport Development, (4(15), 78-94. https://doi.org/10.33082/td.2022.4-15.07