Introduction. Increasing the demand for public transport among the urban population can be achieved through a set of various measures, one of which is to improve the transportation system and improve the quality of passenger service at various stages of the transportation process. Modern methods of elaboration and analysis of parameters of functioning of transport systems allow to estimate the influence of various factors on transport processes and to predict results of such influence. Most transport processes have a stochastic, nonlinear structure. In such cases, it is advisable to use methods of artificial intelligence, in particular artificial neural networks. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to determine the duration of vehicle stay at a public transport stop, using neural network modeling. Results. The basic principles of functioning of artificial neural networks and rules of their use are revealed in the work. The expediency of using neural network modeling to predict the stay duration of a vehicle at public transport stops is analyzed. In particular, the influence of the following factors was analyzed: route length, distance from the beginning of the route to the researched stop, the interval between vehicles of a certain route and passenger exchange at the stop. Based on the information collected during field observations, a neural network was created and the duration of the vehicle’s stay at the stop was predicted in the Deductor software environment. The quality of the obtained model was evaluated. Conclusions. Neural network modeling is an effective tool for studying transport processes. The obtained results testify to the sufficient accuracy of the obtained model (the average stay duration of the vehicle at the stop is 24 s in the morning and 21 s in the lunch period, deviation in the range from 5 to 9.6 %). Further research will focus on improving the accuracy of the model by, in particular, expanding the list of input parameters.
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