Keywords: liquefied petroleum gas, gas station, shock wave, gage pressure, compression phase momentum, factors


Introduction. Road transport is one of the most common and affordable modes of transport in our country. High-quality fuel is required for its normal and reliable operation. Liquefied petroleum gas is the cheapest available source of fuel. Nowadays, gas stations are classified as high-risk facilities. Therefore, there is a need to conduct research on the impact of factors that lead to emergencies. Purpose. The purpose of this work is to analyze the hazards during the rupture of the tanker, taking into account a comprehensive study of the factors affecting them. To achieve this goal, the following research objectives were formulated: analysis of factors influencing the occurrence of an emergency situation during technological operations with a tank truck; quantitative assessment of shock wave parameters during explosions of fuel-air mixtures. Results. The analysis of the factors leading to destruction or disturbance of tightness of the tank was carried out: increase of steam pressure of the liquefied petroleum gas in the tank to critical value mechanical, corrosion wear and the human factor. The list of measures for the prevention, localization of accident was recommended. Factors related to the volley release of large amounts of liquefied petroleum gases were analyzed. The shock wave parameters and their consequences in the event of a traffic accident with a liquefied gas tanker were assessed. Based on the results of the quantitative evaluation of the shock wave parameters, the probability of damage was determined using probit functions. Conclusions. These research results can be used to address the safe operation of liquefied petroleum gas facilities. This will make it possible to identify potential threats from explosions and fires at gas stations and to develop measures to prevent harmful effects on the environment.


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How to Cite
СhernovaO., & Kryvenko, G. (2022). DANGER ANALYSIS DURING A TANK BREAK. Transport Development, (4(11), 129-136. https://doi.org/10.33082/td.2021.4-11.12