Keywords: logistics, ecology, transport, seaport, economy, Eco destructive influence, system, ecology, model


Introduction. The choice of the seaport as an object where an ecological approach is used is explained by the fact that the seaports in any country are its most powerful in terms of production, transport and trade. It is the seaports that ensure the country's transport independence, are the most important part of its foreign trade and carry commercial and strategic prospects for the use of its transit potential. The adaptation of the seaport to the requirements of the circular economy allows it to improve its own strategic prospects, expand transit opportunities and act as a foreign trade forward of the region or the country as a whole. The purpose of the article is to develop the concept of the ecological model of the seaport, which includes both environmental, economic and social components, has a positive impact on the situation of all three and improves them. Results. It is justified to consider the seaport not as a separate system or object, but to take into account that the transport system of the seaport is inextricably linked with the transport system of the city, region, has close contact and dependence with transport systems of cargo owners, cargo consumers, shipping and transport companies with trunk transport. The author's concept of the ecological system of the seaport is developed, which is based on ecological, economic and social strategies, which are meaningfully expanded for each of the strategies, has its own influence on each of them. Requirements for the functioning of environmental models are formulated. It is proposed to supplement the existing scientific developments on environmental models, namely for the seaport, with components of mobility and security. Conclusions. It is shown that the traditional manifestation of modern approaches to greening at the level of production, namely: treatment plants, low-waste technologies, waste processing devices, environmental materials, low-polluting technologies, etc.; at the level of motivational measures and principles – the principle “the polluter pays”, the effective form of its implementation – the available payments for the use of natural resources and environmental pollution are imperfect and inefficient. An ecological model of the seaport as a transport object has been developed, which allows to regulate the ecological and logistical situation both in the seaport and in the transport systems of the city, region and seaport-related cargo producers, cargo holders. The developed ecological model of the seaport is determined by the integrity and separation, naivety of connections, organization, integrated properties and is an interconnected set of its components, their functions and controlling influences.


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How to Cite
Mayorova, I., & Litvinenko, V. (2022). ECOLOGICAL LOGISTICS MODEL OF THE SEAPORT IN A CIRCULAR ECONOMY. Transport Development, (4(11), 25-39.